首页> 外文OA文献 >Morphology and Phylogeny of a New Woodruffiid Ciliate, \u3cem\u3eEtoschophrya inornata\u3c/em\u3e sp. n. (Ciliophora, Colpodea, Platyophryida), with an Account on Evolution of Platyophryids

Morphology and Phylogeny of a New Woodruffiid Ciliate, \u3cem\u3eEtoschophrya inornata\u3c/em\u3e sp. n. (Ciliophora, Colpodea, Platyophryida), with an Account on Evolution of Platyophryids

机译:一种新的伍德鲁菲纤毛虫的形态学和系统发育。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。一一一一一一一一一。 。 (Ciliophora,Colpodea,Platyophryida),并介绍了Platophyryids的进化



We studied the morphology, morphometry, resting cysts and molecular phylogeny of a new woodruffiid ciliate, Etoschophrya inornata, from ephemeral puddles and two lacustrine habitats in Idaho, North-west USA. Up to now, the genus Etoschophrya has included a single species, Etoschophrya oscillatoriophaga, from which our new form is distinguished by (i) the absence of interkinetal cortical granules and, consequently, the absence of extrusible red material in methyl green-pyronin stains, (ii) usually ≥5 adoral membranelles vs. usually four, (iii) greater length and length/width ratio, (iv) prominent cortical furrows vs. inconspicuous and (v) adaptation to non-saline semi-terrestrial and lacustrine habitats in the Nearctic vs. highly saline alkaline Afrotropic soil habitats. Resting cysts have two distinct membranes and a thick hyaline mucous pericyst layer. However, only one membrane persists in older cysts. Like its congener, Etoschophrya inornata feeds exclusively on filamentous cyanobacteria. The 18S rRNA gene sequence places this species in a strongly supported clade with Kuklikophrya ougandae basal to the other platyophryids. We include a morphologic cladistic analysis of platyophryid ciliates and present a hypothetical scenario for the evolution of the platyophryid oral structures.
机译:我们研究了美国西北部爱达荷州的短暂水坑和两个湖生生境中新的伍德弗里德纤毛虫Etoschophrya inornata的形态,形态,静息囊肿和分子系统发育。到目前为止,Etoschophrya属仅包含一个物种,Etoschophrya swingeriophaga,其新形式的特征在于(i)缺乏核间皮质颗粒,因此,甲基绿-pyronin染色中没有可挤压的红色物质, (ii)通常≥5的动脉膜比通常的4个膜;(iii)更大的长度和长度/宽度比;(iv)明显的皮质犁沟-不显眼;(v)适应非盐碱半陆相和湖相生境Nearctic与高盐碱的非碱性土壤生境。静止的囊肿有两个截然不同的膜和一个透明的透明黏膜囊肿层。但是,在较老的囊肿中仅存在一个膜。与其同类动物一样,Etoschophrya inornata仅以丝状蓝细菌为食。 18S rRNA基因序列将该物种置于一个牢固支撑的进化枝中,其与其他鸭嘴兽一样位于库克利福氏藻(Kuklikophrya ougandae)的基础上。我们包括形态学克拉德纤毛纤毛的分析,并提出了一个假设的情况下的蝶质口腔结构的演变。



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